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Ответ дал: nunny

Dress distress

Does getting dressed in the moming present you with choices that are almost 1 impossible to make? If it does, you're not alone. One in five women have difficulty deciding what to put on each day, according to a recent survey.

The results showed that 28 per cent of women were more indecisive about their clothes than any other aspect of their lives. This tremendous sense of insecurity about clothes even causes some 22 per cent of women to arrive late at work. They waste 2 valuable time trying on outfits only to take them off again a few minutes later because of a profound lack of confidence about what looks good on them and what doesn't.

But do mcn worry about their 3 appearence too? It would appear that they do.

A heightened 4 awareness of the role image plays means that many men today also buy fashion magazines, and spend hours shopping and going to the hairdressers. This is not because they find these activities 5 enjoyable however, It is because they realise the way they look has an influerice on professional 6 success. Of course it isn't the only factor, but it does play a role, and this can be a cause of anxiety for many men as well as women.

chaikaw: большое спасибо!!!
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