While Mary______________(clean) up her room, she _______(find) the ring she_____________(lose)
two days earlier.

Что вставить на место пропуска? (Время)sos!!!


Ответ дал: zorbing


While Mary was cleaning (Past Progressive) up her room, she found (Past Simple) the ring she had lost (Past Perfect)  two days earlier.

flowerboy: Слушай, а что вставить здесь The teacher__________(come) across a few mistakes while she ________________(check) some
homework Tim _____________ (do). Заранее огромное спасибо!
flowerboy: When Sam _______(meet) Ann, she_______________(eat) an ice cream which she______________(buy)
at the corner of the street.
zorbing: The teacher came across a few mistakes while she was checking some homework Tim had done.
zorbing: met, was eating, had bought
flowerboy: Спасибо очень выручил!!!
Ответ дал: slyuda1955

While Mary was cleaning up her room,she found the ring she had lost two days earlier.

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