Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb: be, have or have got. Use short forms where possible.

Carol:Hi Diane, you ___ late!
Diane:No, I ____ . You____ a bit early!
Carol:Oh well … I ___my watch on! But I ___ usually late, ___I?
Diane:How's everything?
Carol:Fine, thanks. I ___ a new job!
Diane:Great! What ___it like?
Carol:I love it. We ___really busy at the moment, and I'm ___ fun learning how to do some new things.
Diane:By the way, have you ____ a ticket for this film?
Carol:No, not yet. ____ it any good?
Diane:Probably not. Why don't we go and ____ a coffee instead?
Carol:Good idea! There ____ a nice coffee shop around the corner. I can tell you all about my new job.


Ответ дал: Анастасия7493
Немного странное упражнение, но я думаю правильно решила)) удачи))
1. be
3. have got
4. have got
5. have
6. haven't
7. have
8. is
9. are
10. be
12. is
13. have
14. are

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