Grammar test

1. They … for us near the door.
a) Are waiting b) Waits c) Is waiting d) Am waiting
2. Harry … television every day.
a) Is watching b) Watch c) Watches d) Are watching
3. What … in the room now?
a) They are doing b) Are they doing c) Do they do d) They do
4. Ann … French at all.
a) Isn’t speaking b) Not speaks c) Doesn’t speaking d) Doesn’t speak
5. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.
a) Speaks b) Is speaking c) Are speaking d) speaking
6. I am busy now. I … to the radio.
a) Am listening b) Listen c) Am listen d) Listening
7.I am 1.9 cm ... than you are.
a)tallest b)more taller c)tallier d)taller
8.This chair is ... that the other one.
a)much comfortable b)many more comfortable c)very comfortable d)more comfortable


Ответ дал: sonya9129
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. d
8. d

Norman12345: Привет, помоги пожалуйста, даю 50 баллов, никто просто не отвечает опять, нужно слова в нужную форму поставить( https://znanija.com/task/32859389
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