Помогите с одним номером по английскому.

Write questions using the words in brackets ( ) and a form of be.

Questions Answers

0 (you/Spanish) Are you Spanish? ~ No, I'm French.

1 (you/hungry) _______________? ~ No, I'm thirsty.

2 (she/your sister) ____________? ~ No, she's my mother.

3 (I/late) ____________________? ~ No, you're on time.

4 (they/frem America) __________? ~ No, they're from Canada.

5 (he/a tennis player) __________? ~ No, he's a footballer.

6 (you/happy) ________________? ~ No, I'm sad.

7 (she/at home) _______________? ~ No, she's at work.

8 (he/twenty) _________________? ~ No, he's eighteen old.


Ответ дал: Sl1pPeRvonMat


1)Are you hungry?

2)Is she your sister?

3)Am I late?

4)Are they from America?

5)Is he a tennis player?

6)Are you happy?

7)Is she at home?

8)Is he twenty?


Ответ дал: Sadika15c


  1. Are you hungry?
  2. Is she your sister?
  3. Am I late?
  4. Are they from America?
  5. Is he a tennis player?
  6. Are you happy?
  7. Is she at home?
  8. Is he twenty?
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