Complete the sentences with the verbs
in the box
pollute recycle burn poisons waste
bury save throw away
1 We shouldn't bottles. It's better to
2 You can energy by using public transport.
3 Nuclear power stations don't the air
but they create dangerous waste.
4 Waste plastic marine animals.
5 When you plastic, dangerous gases go
into the atmosphere.
6 If you plastic, it will stay in the ground
for 1000 years
7 You energy when you leave the window
open in winter​


Ответ дал: DolliHi


1. We shouldn't throw away bottles. It's better to recycle them.

2. You can save energy by using public transport.

3. Nuclear power stations don't pollute the air, but they create dangerous waste.

4. Waste plastic poisons marine animals.

5. When you burn plastic, dangerous gases go into the atmosphere.

6. If you bury plastic, it will stay in the ground for 1,000 years.

7. You waste energy when you leave the window open in winter.

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