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Ответ дал: stesha2013
1. Most of all junk food brings problems to children and teenagers. They are getting overweight
2. Fast food is often called junk food, also soda, chips, sweets and chocolates.
3. Junk food is not healthy, eating it people become overweight
4. Junk food contains too much fat and sugar
5. Children have to stop eating junk food and make more exercise

anna13rossoha: 2. Junk food
stesha2013: Что “junk food” ? Я начала с ответа... фаст фуд часто называют нездоровой пищей, так же газировку, чипсы, конфеты и шоколадки
Ответ дал: anna13rossoha

2. Junk food

3. Too much fat and sugar

4. Scout staying healthy

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