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Ответ дал: AIR343

*1* True sentences about the London Eye:

It is in London.

It is made of glass and steel.


London Eye is a tourist attraction.

London Eye is in London city.

It is a huge wheel.

It is made of the steel and glass.

It has 32 room-like capsules.

Capsule-rooms has big windows.

London Eye is 135 meters from the top to the bottom.

You can see one of the Queen's homes.

Ответ дал: kadyr0vagylya4


*1* True sentences about the London Eye:

It is in London.

It is made of glass and steel.


London Eye is a tourist attraction.

London Eye is in London city.

It is a huge wheel.

It is made of the steel and glass.

It has 32 room-like capsules.

Capsule-rooms has big windows.

London Eye is 135 meters from the top to the bottom.

You can see one of the Queen's homes.

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