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Exercise 4. Express surprise using the models:
Models: She is thirty. - Is she?
He hasn't any pictures. - Hasni he?
I'm a student. - Are you?
1. She is in her last year at the University. 2. Bill is the
best football player in our school. 3. Tom has a new bicycle.
4. I have a new hat. 5. Jane isn't at school today. 6. It's ten
o'clock. 7. They are my good friends. 8. I haven't any camera.
9. I am absent-minded. 10. She
married, 12. Maria is never late.​


Ответ дал: nunny

Exercise 4. Express surprise using the models:

Models: She is thirty. - Is she?

He hasn't any pictures. - Hasni he?

I'm a student. - Are you?

1. She is in her last year at the University. Is she?

2. Bill is the best football player in our school. Is he?

3. Tom has a new bicycle. Does he?

4. I have a new hat. Do you?

5. Jane isn't at school today.  Isn't she?

6. It's ten o'clock. Is it?

7. They are my good friends. Are they?

8. I haven't any camera. Don't you?

9. I am absent-minded. Are you?

10. She married. Did she?

12. Maria is never late.​  Isn't she?

why167: Огромное спасибо!))
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