Английский язык срочно
Match the underlined words in the text with meanings A-I. There are two extra
meanings which you do not need to use.
9. respond
10. pretty
11. avid
12. requested
13. peculiar
14. published
15. meaningful
16. appreciate

A. like
B. strange
C. believe
D. reply
E. important
F. enthusiastic
G. old-fashioned
H. rather
I. printed
J. asked for​


Ответ дал: ariosefloret


9) respond - reply

10) pretty - rather

11) avid - enthusiastic

12) requested - asked for

13) peculiar - strange

14) published - printed

15) meaningful - important

16) appreciate - like

Сходство в последнем примере сомнительное, на мой взгляд, ни like, ни believe, не подходят. Но like более уместен.

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