32. Закончите предложения, вставив глагол to be в Present или Past
Simple Tense.
1. English … an international language now, but many centuries ago it …
2. Last year I … 17, this year I … 18 years old.
3. Now my friend … a student, but last year he … a pupil.
4. I … away on business now, but ten days ago I … in my native town.
5. Last time you … right, but this time I … afraid you … wrong.
6. He … in France last year, but this year he … in his native village.
7. Yesterday the day … fine, now it … windy.
8. When I … a child, I … fond of dogs.
9. We … tired after the journey and we … very hungry.
10. You … not at home yesterday. Where … you?


Ответ дал: drakerton

Exercise 32

1. English is an international language now, but many centuries ago it was unpopular .

2. Last year I was 17, this year I am 18 years old.

3. Now my friend is a student, but last year he was a pupil.

4. I am away on business now, but ten days ago I was in my native town.

5. Last time you was right, but this time I am afraid you are wrong.

6. He was in France last year, but this year he is in his native village.

7. Yesterday the day was fine, now it is windy.

8. When I was a child, I was fond of dogs.

9. We are tired after the journey and we are very hungry.

10. You was not at home yesterday. Where were you?

drakerton: последнее предложение не уверен, что правильно. Вопрос может задаваться как про вчерашний день: where were you?, так и про настоящий момент: where are you? (в случае если адресат вопроса до сих пор не вернулся домой).
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