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I reallu love my house in dacha. It's a beautiful and big house.
The house has got two floors. There are a big bathroom, kitchen and a hall in the First floor.
The kitchen is very big!! There are a big sofa, cooker, armchairs, table and a TV set. Table is opposite sofa and armchair.
Bed room is on the Second floor. There are two beds and a balcony. There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.
I love our house!! ​


Ответ дал: lemon18085

I really love my house in dacha. It's a beautiful and big house.  

The house has two floors. There are a big bathroom, kitchen and a hall on the First floor.  

The kitchen is very big! There are big sofa,a cooker, armchairs, a table and a TV set. Table is opposite sofa and armchair.

Bedroom is on the Second floor. There are two beds and a balcony. There is a wardrobe in the bedroom.  

I love our house!! ​

Альтернативный ответ:

I love my house in the country. It is a beautiful and large house.  

The house has two floors. On the ground floor there is a large bathroom, kitchen and hall.  

The kitchen is very large!! There is a large sofa, stove, chairs, table and TV. Table opposite the sofa and armchairs.

The bedroom is on the second floor. There are two beds and a balcony. The bedroom has a wardrobe.  

I love our house!! ​

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