1 Complete the sentences (1-8) with the correct
1 have music lessons with Mr Jones __
Room 106 __ Friday mornings.
2 I've arranged to meet Jim ___
the school cafe ___ noon
3 The last time I saw Peter was___
football match
4 I will call you ____ the evening and we'll
have a chat.
5 He finished the project ___ two weeks.
6 Are you going home ____ Christmas?
7 Can you hear me? I'm ____
the train now
I should be in Glasgow _____ half past ten
8 _____ 5 years' time, students will be using
tablets school instead of textbooks.
Grammar reference page 130​


Ответ дал: happydash76

1. in, on

2. at, in

3. on

4. in

5. by

6. for

7. on

8. in

Аноним: Спасибо
Аноним: Разве к 5 не by?
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