Переведите на английский:
Мой друг высокого роста, худощавого телосложения. Он добрый и отзывчивый. В трудной ситуации готов прийти на помощь. Он любит читать и хорошо учится. С ним очень интересно и весело.


Ответ дал: Maksim870


My friend is a tall, thin-bodied.He is kind and sympathetic. In a difficult situation he is ready to help. He likes to read books and study well. It’s very interesting and fun with him

macaroon: A tall — неверно. Просто tall.
Ответ дал: lysenkoviktorija


My friend is tall and slim. He is kind and responsive. In a difficult situation is ready to help. Also he likes reading and

lysenkoviktorija: and learns well
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