Open the brackets using used to or didn't use to + verb. Write the answers with a comma (,).
Примечание: Не забудьте поставить пробелы после каждой запятой. Если предложение отрицательное, запишите краткую форму глагола. Ответы нумеровать не нужно. Точка в конце также не нужна. Необходимо написать только сами формы, а не предложения.
Example 0: I _____________ (go) to the park every day when I was six. My mother _____________ (not/cook) pastry when I was a child.
Answer 0: used to go, didn't use to cook
1. We ____________ (not/have) a dishwasher when I was little, but now we have one.
2. Susan _____________ (not/drink) black coffee, but now she drinks it a lot.
3. Henry _____________ (smoke) a pipe, but now he doesn’t smoke at all.
4. My dad ______________ (run) 5 km every day, but now he doesn’t run at all. 5. My wife ______________ (spend) much money on clothes when she was younger.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 didn't use to have

2 didn't use to drink

3 used to smoke

4 used to run

5 used to spend

Ответ дал: k1R1jIjIeX

1 didn't use to have 2 didn't use to drink 3 used to smoke 4 used to run 5 used to spend

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