Помогите срочно с английским!!!
1. He ……………… a lot of new words every lesson.
a) learns b) has learnt c) learnt d) is learning

2. My sister ……………….. a cake yet.
a) haven`t eaten b) doesn`t eat c) hasn`t eaten d) isn`t eating

3. The film ……………… at 6 pm tomorrow.
a) will start b) starts c) started d) has started

4. He ……………. part in Maths competitions next Monday.
a) isn`t taking b) hasn`t taken c) won`t take d) doesn`t take

5. Look! Mary ……………the floor.
a) has swept b) is sweeping c) sweeps d) will sweep

6. My friend ……………….. in the sea last summer.
a) didn`t swim b) isn`t swimming c) doesn`t swim d) hasn`t swum

7. ………… your father drive a car every weekend?
a) Do b) Did c) Does d) Will

8. My parents ……….. in London 3 years ago.
a) will be b) are c) was d) were

9. What…… your sister doing now ?
a) has b) is c) was d) does

10. ……. they ever been to Italy?
a) Do b) Are c) Will d) Have


Ответ дал: MashaManunya


1) а

2) а

3) b

4) c

5) b

6) a

7) a

8) d

9) b

10) d

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