• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: tralalalala99
  • Вопрос задан 1 год назад

Choose the correct words.
I'm not/ isn't very good at climbing.
1 istanbul isn't / aren't the capital of Turkey.
2 Timur and Serik isn't/ aren't at chess club.
3 This computer is/are cheap.
4 I'm not / isn't from Great Britain.
5 You'm not / aren't twelve years old.
6 I'm / is in the new drama class.
7 Your dog isn't/ aren't very big.
8 My friends is/are from Hungary.
ПОМГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТО СРОЧНО НАДО ДАЮ 70 БАЛЛОВ​. Простите случайно нажал что это математика


Ответ дал: Moddya

I'm not very good at climbing.

1 Istanbul isn't the capital of Turkey.

2 Timur and Serik aren't at chess club.

3 This computer is cheap.

4 I'm not from Great Britain.

5 You aren't twelve years old.

6 I'm in the new drama class.

7 Your dog isn't very big.

8 My friends are from Hungary.

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