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Ответ дал: grishavot909


A. 1. Where is your manager? He is in the office. He receives visitors. He often takes a visitor in the office. 2. I am currently looking at newspapers. I read them every day. I am interested in business matters, 3. You work in the office, right? -Yes. I'm a secretary. 4. What is your secretary doing now? She parses the mail. She does it every morning. 5. It’s 9 o’clock and Anna is at work. She is browsing catalogs for office equipment. Our store usually receives a lot of catalogs, 6. What do you read? -I read the sales report. I am preparing to meet with our customers. 7. How often do you meet with your suppliers? -I meet with them every week, 8. Who is talking on the phone now? -Our manager. He wants to make an appointment with the provider. 9. You are reading an offer from Brown, aren’t they? -Yes, they offer us a new model of telephone equipment. 10. As a rule, my otea gets up at 8 o’clock. 11. I always rest after dinner, 12. Where is Victor? -He dines. 13. My brother will be English and can help you. Call him now. I think he is not sleeping yet. 14. What is Robert doing? -He plays tennis. -He plays tennis well? Not really. 15. How often do you see your sister? Two or three times a month. 16. Maria is now in the library. She is writing an article. She works in the library every day. 17. Where do you go in the evenings? -I often go to the fitness center. 18. Why are you late so often? - I do not like to get up early. 19. Children have lunch? - No, they play football. 20. What are you doing now? - I'm listening to the radio. I always listen to the latest news in the morning

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