Open the brackets using an appropriate form of the word

1. When we (go) out there (be) a lot of puddles on the road as it ran all night.

2. Mr. White (go) out of the house. He (stand) near his house when the flower pot (fall) down from the balcony. Fortunately, he (step) aside and so he (be not) injured.

3. When I (read) a book my mum suddenly (return). She said she (forgot) her wallet.

4. It's the first time I (ride) the bike.

5. After university yesterday he (to come) home,(to have) dinner,(to watch) a screen version of the book he (to read) before.

6. When your friend (to return) from Cyprus? - She (to return) yesterday. - You (to go) to the airport to meet her? - No,I...,I (to be) too busy.​


Ответ дал: nunny

Open the brackets using an appropriate form of the word.

1. When we (went) out there (were) a lot of puddles on the road as it had been raining all night.

2. Mr. White (went) out of the house. He (was standing) near his house when the flower pot (fell) down from the balcony. Fortunately, he (stepped) aside and so he (was not) injured.

3. When I (was reading) a book my mum suddenly (returned). She said she (had forgotten) her wallet.

4. It's the first time I (have ridden) the bike.

5. After university yesterday he (came) home, (had) dinner, (watched) a screen version of the book he (had read) before.

6. When did your friend (return) from Cyprus? - She (returned) yesterday. - Did you (go) to the airport to meet her? - No, I (was) too busy.​

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