Помогите пожалуйста сделать упражнение по английскому
EX 6. Insert articles where necessary.
1. Machines now do much of ........... work formerly done by man. 2. It was ........... hard work
getting to the top of the mountain. 3. What time do you finish ........... work? 4. ........... work of
building the new bridge took 6 months. 5. ........... school I go to is pretty strict - it is.
boarding school. 6. Jenny goes to ........... same school as Tom. They go to ........... school by
bus. 7. ........... Oxford and Cambridge colleges are world famous. 8. What are you going to study
at ........... college? 9. Does she likes it at ........... university? 10. ........... school is almost falling
down. 11. Poor James! He hates being at ........... hospital. 12. ........... hospital where Amy worked
was in the East End. 13. His sister is a nurse, he works in ........... hospital. 14. He is still in ...
hospital, I'm going to ........... hospital to visit him.​


Ответ дал: liz172


1. Machines now do much of the work formerly done by man.

2. It was a hard work getting to the top of the mountain.

3. What time do you finish the work?

4. The work of building the new bridge took 6 months.

5. The school I go to is pretty strict - it is boarding school.

6. Jenny goes to the same school as Tom. They go to  school by bus.

7. Oxford and Cambridge colleges are world famous.

8. What are you going to study  at  college?

9. Does she likes it at the university?

10. the school is almost falling down.

11. Poor James! He hates being at  hospital.

12. the hospital where Amy worked  was in the East End.

13. His sister is a nurse, he works in a hospital.

14. He is still in hospital, I'm going to the hospital to visit him.


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