Помогите пожалуйста с английским. Я в английском не шарю помогитее!



Ответ дал: nunny

3 Use the words below to write sentences. Add of the if necessary. D)2.21 Listen and check.

0 some / spiders / poisonous Some spiders are poisonous.

00 all / spiders / in my garden / harmless All of the spiders in my garden are harmless

1 All fruit contains vitamins.

2 None of the fruit in the bowl is ready to eat.

3 Some clothes in this shop are very expensive.

4 Most of the tea comes from India and China

5 No cakes and biscuits are healthy.

6 Most of the food in my fridge is fresh.

4. Complete these sentences with all, most, some or no/none so they are true for you.

0 All American films are fantastic.

1 Some exercise is fun.

2 All English grammar is very difficult.

3 Most of my classmates are really friendly.

4 Some travel is bad for the environment.

5 Most of the TV programmes in my country are really interesting.

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