Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
2. I _______ better at rock climbing if l _____ more
3. If l _____ enough time, l _____ to the fitness center every day
4. They ____ cycling this weekend if the weather _____ better
5. If you ______ an international footballer which team ____ you _____ for
6. ______ you _____ scuba diving if you _____ to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia?
7. She _____ aerobics if it _______ so boring
(do/not be)
8. If l _______ to be stronger, l ______ weight-training
9. Even if you ______ for a bungee jump for my birthday, l _____ to go!


Ответ дал: demirova83


Я напишу в ключах:

2.would be, practised

3.Had,would go

4.Would go, was

5.Was,would you play

6.Would you go, went

7.Would do,wasn't

8.wanted,would try

9.paid,would refuse

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