Скласти 5 речень з займенниками на англійській мові


Ответ дал: thebest2007
This is his T -shirt

There are her crayons

This phone is mine

This is her homework

I like his music
Ответ дал: bonka131325

Відповідь:1)I am looking at the picture

2)He is in New York

3)She was there

4)Bring me the book, please. It is in the kitchen

5)We work at the office

orehovak058: 1 I broke my phone yesterday about a rock.
2 You were obliged to do the project, but you didn't.
3 We have learned the lesson because we have not done our homework.
4 He saved the girl from the maniac.
She told 5 at a lesson about a distinguished writer and received 12.
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