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Моей мечтой было стать звездой футбола и ею стал! Я очень благодарен своему тренеру, он творит чудеса.Я занимаюсь футболом уже 12 лет. За все это время я природовед очень много трудностей.День когда я проснулся звездой после того, как я забил решающий гол был велеколепен,!ко мне даже пришёл владелец магазина, где я всегда покупаю одежду!

SailorMoon21: My dream was to become a football star and it became! I am very grateful to my coach, he works miracles. I have been playing football for 12 years. For all this time I am a naturalist with a lot of difficulties. The day I woke up as a star after I scored a decisive goal was magnificent! The owner of the store even came to me, where I always buy clothes! - английский


Ответ дал: Мархет


My dream was to become a football star and it became! I am very grateful to my coach, he works wonders. I have been playing football for 12 years. For all this time I am a natural scientist with a lot of difficulties. The day when I woke up as a star after I scored a decisive goal was superb!, The owner of the store even came to me, where I always buy clothes!


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