Read these sentences and open the brackets using the past simple or the past continuous. Write only the verb forms.

Example 0. She_____(read) a book when he_____(come).

Answer 0. was reading, came.

1. He_____(play) football when he_____(fall) over.

2. She_____ (do) her makeup while she_____ (talk) over the telephone.

3. When Winston _____ (come) home, Karen_____ (sleep).


Ответ дал: Almazik239

1) Was playing, fell

Быстрое действие (упал) на фоне медленного (играл в футбол)

2) Was doing, was talking

Два параллельных длительных действия

3) Came, was sleeping.

Быстрое действие (пришёл) на фоне медленного (спала)

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