допишите хвостики, пожалуйста.
1. My friend doesn't have any hobby,
2. Our parents went to the seaside,
3.They are good friend,
4. Nina wants to be a teacher,
5. Students can speak English,
6. My cat doesn't like mice, ​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1........,does he(she)?

2......., didn't they?

3........, aren't they?

4........, doesn't she?

5........, can't they?

6.......,does it?

nusagolova031: спасибо огромное)
slyuda1955: Пожалуйста
nusagolova031: Здравствуй, а ты можешь помочь ещё с хвостиками, пожалуйста?
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