Помогите срочно 58.1 и 58.2



Ответ дал: nunny

Write the correct form of have or have got.

1 I didn't have time to do the shopping yesterday.

2 Has Lisa got (OR Does Lisa have) a car? "No, she can't drive.

3 He can't open the door. He has not got a key.

4 He had a cold last week. He's better now.

5 What's wrong? Do you have a headache?

6 We wanted to go by taxi, but we did not have enough money.

7 Laura is very busy. She does not have much free time.

8 Did you have any problems when you were on holiday?

58.2 What are these people doing? Choose from the list:

a bath breakfast a cup of tea dinner a good time a rest

1 They're having breakfast.

2 She is having a cup of tea.

3 Не is having a rest.

4 They are having a good time.

5 They are having dinner.

6 He is having a bath.

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