Below is part of an email you received from your English pen friend.Read the email and send a reply to your friend.You may use the plan below to help you write your email.(120-150 words) .Last week I went to an eco-bazaar for the first time.It was great!They sold things from recycled materials,clothes made with organic fabrics and other things like that.What about you?Where do you usually do your shopping?Is there an ecobazaar where you live? Para1:-friendly greating,-reason for writing. Para 2:-answer your friend's question,-write about the places where you do your shopping. Para 3:-closing remarks
Только строго по пунктам:Para1:-friendly greating,-reason for writing. Para 2:-answer your friend's question,-write about the places where you do your shopping. Para 3:-closing remarks
(я их выше уже указала)

Hi.......................................................Anyway,let me tell you about..................................................... often do my shopping..........................There I can find.............................................As for eco-bazaars...............................................Have to go now....................................................
You friend


Ответ дал: kerrirousy3


Hi! It was really nice to hear from you so soon!

Thank you for your email.

Anyway, let me tell you about myself.

I usually do my shopping at the mall or I go to the secondhand. There can I find a lot of cute stuff. Especially when I go to the thrift stores. It’s like a treasure for hunters! You can find unique clothes that nobody would ever did in an ordinary store.

As for eco bazaars, no, unfortunately, I don’t have any in my city though it’s so nice that you have authentic eco bazaars in your city! It’s really eco friendly and lets you help the planet by using a recycled thing instead of producing new ones and wasting more material.

I have to go now, I have to do my homework and help my mother with the home duties.

Your friend,

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