Fill in: suddenly, before,
and then, eventually, as soon as,
while, and.
1) ...... we reached London,
we looked for somewhere to spend the
2) ...... we came across a small nice Bed & Breakfast hotel.
3) ...... we were waiting at the reception, a young man entered. He looked at us coldly then disappeared in the lift without saying a word.
4) ...... we heard a scream. Minutes later the young man came down the stairs. He looked very scared 5) ...... his hands were shaking.
6) ...... we said a word he grabbed my hand and said, "I saw him. He
is in my room waiting for me. Please, help
me." 7) ...... he fainted.


Ответ дал: nunny

Fill in: suddenly, before, and then, eventually, as soon as, while, and.

1) soon as... we reached London, we looked for somewhere to spend the night.

2) ...eventually... we came across a small nice Bed & Breakfast hotel.

3) ...while... we were waiting at the reception, a young man entered. He looked at us coldly then disappeared in the lift without saying a word.

4) ....suddenly.. we heard a scream. Minutes later the young man came down the stairs. He looked very scared 5) ...and... his hands were shaking.

6) ...before... we said a word he grabbed my hand and said, "I saw him. He is in my room waiting for me. Please, help me." 7) ..and then.... he fainted.

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