Present Tenses
I.Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. She can't come to the phone now because she _for tomorrow's test.
a) studies b) is studying c) has studied d) has been studying
2. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually _basketball on Fridays.
a) play
b) are playing c) have played d) have been playing
3. I. my work already. I'm ready to go for a walk with you.
a) finish b) are finishing c) have finished d) have been finishing
4. I breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?
a) cook b) am cooking c) have cooked
d) have been cooking
5. I this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?
a) don't read b) am not reading c) haven't read d) haven't been reading
6. Maria is good at languages. She French, Spanish and German.
a) speaks b) is speaking c) has spoken d) has been spoken
7. We for their answer for two months already.
a) wait b) are waiting c) have waited d) have been waiting
8. She since Monday.
a) is sick b) is being sick c) has been sick d) has been being sick
9. She since noon. Should we wake her up?
a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) has slept d) has been sleeping
10. So far, he five stories for children.
a) writes b) is writing c) has written d) has been writing

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Ответ дал: kostery


b, a, c, b, c, a, D, c, D, c

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