3. Употребите подчеркнутые существительные в форме
множественного числа.
a. There is a bag on the chair. ......
b. There is a goose on the farm. ............
c. There is a woman in the room. ............
d. There is a desk in the room. ............
e. There is a window in the room. ......​


Ответ дал: birka3


There are bags on the chair.

There are geese on the farm.

There are women in the room.

There are desks in the room.

There are windows in the room.

Ответ дал: LadybugandNoircat29


a. There are bags on the chair.

b. There are geese on the farm.

c. There are women in the room .

d. There are desks in the room.

e. There are windows in the room.


помни когда делаем предложение во множественном числе к окончанию

существительных ставим букву "ies , es , s ,, а если существительное неправильные тогда

егo меняем

Например: ox-oxen , man - men, woman- women

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