Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.

1. Parents take their children to school every day.

2. I feed my cat three times a day.

3. We have chosen the blue car.

4. He ate all my sweets.

5. The wind blew away all your papers.

6. They looked for the puppy everywhere.

7. The neighbour asked for the telegram.

8. Everybody listened to the teacher with great attention.

9. The students laughed at the newcomer.

10. Nobody lived in that old house.

11. They asked Larry to prepare a report on that subject.

12. They did not invite her to the party.

13. He did not turn off the light.

14. I found the best way.

15. Nobody has ever climbed this mountain before.


Ответ дал: Persefoni


1. Children are taken by parents to school every day

2. My cat is fed by me three times a day

3. The blue car has been chosen by us

4. All my sweets are eaten by him

5. All your papers were blown by the wind

6. The puppy was looked for by them everywhere

7. The telegram was asked for by the neighbor

8. The teacher was listened by everybody with great attention

9. The newcomer was laughed at by the students

10. That old house was not lived by nobody.

11. Larry was asked by them to prepare a report on that subject

12. She was not invited by them to the party

13. The light was not turned off by him

14. The best way was found by me

15. This mountain has been ever climbed by nobody before.


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