Exercise 1 (5 баллов)

Fill the gaps with there is/there are or is there/are there. Mind the big and small letters.

1) ________ a laptop on the desk.

2) ________ some students in the courtyard.

3) ________ any possibility to meet her tonight?

4) ________ so many issues with the new software.

5) ________ any interesting books in the school's library?

6) ________ anybody who can help me?

7) The waiter says _________ a lot of people who are complaining about the food.

8) ________ any poems in this new textbook?

9) ________ any reason I should believe her again?

10) I think ________ some truth in what you are saying.


Ответ дал: nonikno
1 There is
2 There are
3 Is there
4 There are
5 Are there
6 Is there
7 there are
8 Are there
9 Is there
10 there is
Ответ дал: portes95


1) there is

2) there are

3) are there

4) there is

5)are there

6)are there

7)there are

8)are there

9)is there

10)there is

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