Fill in the gaps with at, of or with. Then ask
and answer the questions with a partner.
1 Are you good ..... sport? If so, which ones are you
best .....?
2 Are you satisfied ..... the sports facilities in this area?
If not, why not?
13 Are there any sports you are bad ..... ? Which are you
worst .....?
4 Is there any sport or activity that you are afraid .....
doing? Why?
5 Which national sportsman or woman do you feel most
proud ..... ? What are his/her most important
sporting achievements?​


Ответ дал: serenitymrv


Are you good at sport? If so, which ones are you

best of?

2 Are you satisfied with the sports facilities in this area?

If not, why not?

13 Are there any sports you are bad at? Which are you

worst of?

4 Is there any sport or activity that you are afraid of

doing? Why?

5 Which national sportsman or woman do you feel most

proud of ? What are his/her most important

sporting achievements?​


to be good / bad at - хорошо / плохо (разбиратся в чем-то)

to be best / worst of - быть лучшим / худший  в чем-то

to afraid of - бояться чего -то

to be satisfied with - быть удовлетворенным чем-то

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