ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖ!!!!!!!!!!! ДАЮ МНОГО БАЛЛОВ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Упражнение 1. Вставь have или has.

1. We _____ got a green parrot.

2. She _____ got seven games.

3. _____ Steve got a blue pen?

Упражнение 2. Write in have got, has got, haven't got or hasn't got about you family.

4. I _________ long fair hair.

5. My mum _________ big blue eyes.

6. My dad ________ short dark hair.

7. My friends _________ little noses.

Упражнение 3. Complete the questions. Use have got or has got.

8. ____ you ______ any brothers or sisters?

9. _____ your uncle _____ any children?

10. How many cousins ____ she ____?

Упражнение 4. Write questions with have got /has got(пишем полностью)

11. (you/ a bicycle?)

12. (your sister /a DVD?)

13. (your parents /a car?)

Упражнение 5. Rewrite the sentences into negative. (пишем полностью)

Example: She has got three chicks. - She hasn’t got three chicks.

14. Three little chicks have got a kite.

15. The kite has got a funny face.

Упражнение 6. Insert the verb to have in the appropriate form.

1. Nastya (16)______ beautiful eyes.

2. (17)_______ you ______ any sisters or brothers? Yes, I (18)______. I (19)_________ two sisters, but I (20)__________ a brother.

2 3 4 5

0 - 9 10 - 13 14 - 17 18 - 20



Ответ дал: prinpir


1. have

2. has

3. has

4. have got

5.hasn't got

6. has got

7. have got

8. have you got

9.has your uncle got

10. has she got

11. have you got a bicycle?

12.has your sister got a DVD?

13. have your parents got a car?

14. three little chicks haven't got a kite.

15. the kite hasn't got a funny face.

16. has

17. have you got

18. have

19. have

20. haven't

my mark is 10!


have - я, мы, ты, вы, они

has- он, она, оно (3 лицо) he, she, it

Ответ дал: ILitsemer

1. Have

2. Has

3. Has

4. Have got

5. Hasn't got

6. Has got

7. Haven't got

8. Have...got

9. Have...got

10. Has...got

11. Have you got a bicycle?

12. Has your sister a DVD?

13. Have your parents a car?

14.Three little chicks haven't got a kite.

15. The kite hasn't got a funny face.

Упражнение 6.

1. Nastya has a beautiful eyes.

2. Have you got any sisters or brother? - Yes, I have. I have two sisters, but I hasn't got a brother.

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