1 Fill in have to / has to / don't have to / doesn't have to.
1. My parents....... .. have to work late.
3. My brother............
feed our pet. 4. In
our PE lessons we...........
wear trainers. 5. My friend..............
wear a uniform to school. 6. Students..........
do their homework. 7. My Biology teacher............ grow flowers in the school garden. 8. Our form tutor.........
call our parents. 9. I...........
catch the bus to get to school.
10. We..............
clean our classrooms. .( Запилнить пропуски) ​


Ответ дал: ev5420p7owbi


1. Let's clean up now, so we won't have to do it tomorrow.

2. It rained yesterday, so I didn't have to water the flowers. 

3. Lucy feels better now, so she doesn't have to take the medicine.

4. You've got plenty of time. You don't have to hurry.

5. He has to shout or else she can't hear him. 

6. It was very cold yesterday so I had to wear a coat. 

7. She has to wear glasses or else she can't read. 

8. I can't go out tonight. I have to study for my exam. 

9. I took the dog for a walk this morning so you have to take it out tonight. 

10. My car doesn't work, so I have to take the train. 

11. I broke my tooth, so I had to go to dentist's yesterday


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