Закончите предложения, вставив глагол to have в нужной форме.
1. English … about 615,000 non-technical words.
2. English speakers … many different accents.
3. In 1930, Malta … three official languages: Italian, Maltese and English.
4. The UK … a temperate climate with much rain all year round.
5. The UK (not) … a written constitution.
6. Many areas, towns, cities and rivers in Canada … indigenous names.
7. The history of the USA … two distressing periods: Civil War and Great
8. All languages … a system of sounds, words and sentences.
9. Does the UK … a lot of mineral resources?
10. Last year we … close contacts with this university.


Ответ дал: zorbing


1. has; 2. have; 3. has; 4. has; 5. doesn't have; 6. have; 7. has; 8. have; 9. have; 10. had

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