1 Tina ... wating... (wash) her car at the
2 Alex
........................... (phone) me yesterday
3 ".....
........... you/watch) the
football match on TV last night?"
No. 1 ................. (not/like) football very much."
4 Father .......
..................... (read) his newspaper now.
He always ................... (read) it in the evening.
- They often .................(go) to the beach last year. надо поставить в презент симпл ,презент кантиньос или паст симпл​


Ответ дал: Մարիամ1803Ս

1. Tina is washing her car at the moment.

2. Alex phoned me yesterday evening.

3. Did you watch the football match on TV last night? No, I don’t like football very much.

4.Father is reading his newspaper now. He always reads it in the evening.

5.They often went to the beach last year


С at the moment и now мы употребляем Present Continuous.

С yesterday, last night, last year (и так далее) мы употребляем Past Simple.

С always, never , sometimes мы употребляем Present Simple.

(Хочу обратить внимание, что некоторые наречия частотности также употребляются в других временах, так что ТАПОЧКАМИ меня НЕ БИТЬ!!!)

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