ПОЗ СЮДА:) .......1111



Ответ дал: NormalHumanPerson

1. Do you get up at 8 oclock every day?

I do not get up at 8 oclock every day.

2. Does bob do his morning exercises?

Bob does not do his morning exercises.

3. Do you wash your hands and face?

I do not wash my hands and face.

4. Does he go to school after breakfast?

He does not go to school after breakfast

5. Does she do her lessons?

She does not do her lessons.

6. Do we play computer games?

We do not play computer games.

7. Do they watch TV in the evening?

They do not watch TV in the evening.

8. Does Tom go to bed at 9 oclock?

Tom does not go to bed at 9 oclock.

9. Does he come home at 5 oclock?

He does not come home at 5 oclock.

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