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People have been celebrating ‘Buy Nothing Day’ for over a decade now. It started in 1993 in Canada and is now an international event in 55 countries. It has always fallen on the day after Thanksgiving in the US and on November 26th in the rest of the world. On this day, people, try their best not to buy anything at all for the whole day. The idea is to make people stop and think about what they buy and how their spending habits affect the Earth’s natural environment. Just a little effort can make a big difference. Let’s take a look at what happens on Buy Nothing Day around the world…

Montreal, Canada

Today we’re celebrating Buy Nothing Day at our school by holding an Eco-bazaar. We have been working hard on it all week. All the students have brought in a few items from home that are still in good condition We receive coupons in return for each item. Now we are using the coupons to buy other things.

Erica, 15

Birmingham, England

We have decided to do simple things on Buy Nothing Day. We’ve walked to school instead of taking the bus and we’ve asked our parents not to go to the supermarket.

James, 16


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