Заполните пропуски.

Mother: Misha! Where ... your friend?

Misha: He is only my ... !

Father: ... the telegram again.
Misha: Meet me  at the ...  at 11 p.m. today. My  ... is yellow,  my ... are blue, my trainers are ... my cap is ... . My ... is the colour of my tartan: red ... and black. Thank you. robin MacWizard.

 и там еще предложение,но я не стала писать т.к. там ничего не надо вставлять.


БебешкаСоня: Помогите СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: utreg94
Is, acquaintance , send, airport, shirt, shorts, black, white, scarf, stripes
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