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Ответ дал: malinkaloveprod1

1. You`ve been writing all morning - you should take a break!

2. Aaron`s dream job is to write the script for a sitcom.

3. They are hoping their new film will be a success because the last one was a successful.

4. I can`t see you tonight because I need something to do at home.

5. Some television channels watch as many as five hours a day!

6. I had to stop going to football training because it taking up too much time.

7. I didn`t think joining that club would make a change to my life but it did.

8. Sometimes I watch all the episodes of a TV series in one day.

9. I`ll meet you at the cinema after office at nine.

10. You can get into trouble if you missing time off school without a good reason.

11. This film is boring - I can`t watch through any more of it. Let`s turn over.

12. Do you fancy hanging out at my place this evening?

( Как-то так, если что-то не правильно, сорян :(( )

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