Задать 4 вопроса к каждому предложению ( общий , специальный , альтернативный , разделительный) :
1)The sky is blue
2) The children are at home now
3) Her brother is a doctor


Ответ дал: vikatish


1)The sky is blue

Is the sky blue?

What is blue?

Is the sky blue or grey?

The sky is blue, isn`t it?

2) The children are at home now

Are the children at home now?

Where are the children now?

Are the children at home or at school now?

The children are at home now, aren`t they?

3) Her brother is a doctor

Is her brother a doctor?

Whose brother is a doctor?

Is her brother a doctor or a driver?

Her brother is a doctor, isn`t he?


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