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Ответ дал: msybdl75
Appearance- Holmes is known for his deerstalker hat and his pipe.
Crime - mysteries are often about disturbing events, like a crime.
Created - Dame Agatha Christy was a writer, therefore she’s created fictional detectives.
Investigation - looking into a crime is called investigating.
Hid - it appears the young man needed to hide from someone or something.
After - it’s quite difficult, or rather impossible to run out of someone, the only time you’re exiting another human, is at birth, and you’re probably not running.
Put up - I can hardly imagine a detective setting a time and date for a fight with a burglar, safe to assume it was spontaneous.
Explored - I would love to explore an old chest, it’s probably filled with treasures.
Area - once again, unless there are tiny people living inside the nephew and opening shops in his body, I’d go with area.
An amazing - I mean, maybe it’s some kind of a Jumanji book and then it’s probably dangerous, but what’s much more likely, is that it’s just an amazing book to read.

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