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Ответ дал: nunny

1. Выберите верный ответ.

1. Petrovs have a dog and a cat. b) The

2. He knows how to work on computer. a) a

3. She was the first woman to swim across English Channel. c) the

4. Go down Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street. c)...

5. I don't like milk in tea. a)

6. He is such great man. b) a

7. We are on fourth floor. c) the

8. Could you give me information I asked for in my letter?a) the

9. war is a terrible thing. b)

10. I am Smith. Tom Smith. c)

2. Выберите необходимый предлог.

1. Anna put her telephone . the table. b) on

2 David is school now. a) at

3. My father is c) in the kitchen.

4. I go, the park everyday. a) to

5. Chekhov was born 1860. c) in

6. The concert begins 9.00, a) at

7. The day Friday is Saturday. b) after

8. I am going to Spain. winter. b) in

9. This book is written. A. S. Pushkin. c) by

10. The picture is the wall. a) on

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