V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. My brother (get) to school early in the morning. He (not/wear) a uniform. Every morning the teachers (ask) the students what they want to study. There (be) classrooms, but they (not/go) to lessons. Sometimes they (go) to the computer rooms or the library. (want) to know which compulsory subjects they (learn)? They (be) maths, science, history, geography and others. My brother (study) three foreign languages. He (not/like) Geography. His school is state and he (not/ pay) for the education. Every term he (take) exams. Is your school state or private? How many students (be) there in your class? (wear) you a uniform? When (pass) exams?


Ответ дал: Challenger58


вот гляди


get, doesnt wear, ask, are, dont go, go, want, learn, are, studies, doesnt like, doesnt pay, takes, are, do you wear, do you pass

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