Вы получили от английского друга по переписке по Имени Стив.Напишите ему электронное письмо и ответьте на его вопросы. 40-50 слов

Please write and tell me about shopping in Moscow. How often do you go shopping?
Where do usually go shopping to? What do you usually buy?


Ответ дал: ANNAAKupA


Hello, Steve!

I'm glad to hear you! I often go to shops in Moscow. About 2 times a week. Usually I buy the things I need. For example, new clothes, a jacket and shoes. We love shopping with mom. But the coolest thing is when you go shopping with friends. It's fun! What about you, Steve? I will be very glad to hear your opinion about shopping. Your friend, ... (своё имя)

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