A. Circle the correct words.
1. Alice was anxious / relieved about visiting the doctor.
She hates hospitals.
2. Mr Smith made / did a big donation to our school.
3. The shop assistant tried to persuade / influence Tom to
buy the most expensive jacket.
4. This bowl is made of wood / woods.
5. I found two hair / hairs in my food. That's disgusting!
6. Unfortunately, Mark didn't succeed / manage in winning
the competition.
7. Will you keep an eye/ a mind on our house while we're
8. I've approached / searched everywhere for my glasses
but I can't find them.
Score: 18


Ответ дал: xolodec123

Ответ: 1. anxious

2. made


4. wood

5 hairs

6. succeed

7. an eye

8. searched


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