СРОЧНО СРОЧНО nnnnn bbbb



Ответ дал: Nestea48


1) are translating

2) don't

3) promises/does

4) is looking

5) sells

6) is working

7) play

8) freezes

Ответ дал: nunny

Use the verb in brackets in Present lindefinite or Present Continuous and comment on the difference in the meaning of the forms.

1. We (are translating) a technical text now.

2. We do not usually (translate) stories.

3. He is always (promising) to mend the computer but he never (does) it.

4. Steve (is looking) for a new car at the moment.

5. Our office (sells) power equipment, mining equipment. and other goods.

6. He (is working) at an important project at the moment.

7. The vast majority of children now regularly (play) games ranging from ND

Mario to Mortal Kombat.

8. Water (freezes) at 0 °C.

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