Выберете правильное окончание для каждого предложения:
1. If she had not been so beautiful,
a)she would not have become a supermodel
b)she is become a supermodel
c)she will not have become a supermodel
2.If you heat ice
a)it melt
b)it will melt
c)it melts
3. If they had played better,
a)they will won the game
b)they won the game
c)they would have won the game
4.The winters are very cold where I live.
a)I wish I had lived in a warmer place
b)I wish I lived in a warmer place
c)I wish I live in a warmer place


Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. If she had not been so beautiful, she would not have become a supermodel.
  2. If you heat ice, it melts.
  3. If they had played better, they would have won the game.
  4. I wish I lived in a warmer place.
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